Our hearts go out to each of you as your lives have been directly affected by COVID-19, and the measures that have been taken to contain it. We remain committed to supporting you and have even increased our available services to do just that.

As our highest priority remains supporting the clients, and communities that rely on our services, our providers have each put in extra efforts to prepare for and transition to working from a safe and secure environment to best support your health, and that of your loved ones. 

Contact Us Today
What you should know about our Covid-19 Support Groups:
  • All sessions will be taking place by video or phone until further notice.
  • Your previously scheduled appointments have all been moved/updated to video sessions (you may have already received an email with your session link, please check your junk box). If a video session is not possible, please let us know so that we can prepare for a phone session.
  • You can still log in to your client portal to view and make changes to your appointments at your leisure. Login by clicking the link at the bottom of your provider’s page on our website. 
  • In response to the expressed needs during this time of crisis we are offering 2 online groups starting next week. These groups will provide a safe and productive place of support and processing as well as much needed skills and tools for coping, structure and managing the evolving changes going on in our homes, communities, and around the world. The groups offered are as follows:

    At a time when there is a great deal of anxiety provoking news and related conversation combined with feelings of isolation, these groups will provide a confidential space for healthy discussion, increasing individual sense of control, positive connections and decreasing anxiety. Please contact the office if you are interested, priority will be given to ARC Counseling and Wellness clients but spots will fill up quickly. 

Please know that we are adapting as we go which means that this is new terrain for all of us and we are committed to keeping you up to date with accurate and helpful information as soon as it is available. Feel free to follow us on Instagram at @arccounselingandwellness for important real-time updates!

We look forward to seeing and speaking with you soon and wish you the best of health and wellness in all of the days ahead. 


Healthiest Regards, 

ARC Counseling and Wellness Team